构建了半干旱气候变化机理研究的理论框架。阐明了海陆热力差异对全球陆地增温的调制作用,提出了陆-气相互作用与干旱半干旱区增温的反馈机制,发现该反馈不仅导致半干旱区成为近百年来全球陆地增温最显著的地区,还可造成全球干旱半干旱区面积加速扩张。部分成果发表在《Nature Climate Change》并被选为封面论文。
1. Huang J.*, H. Yu , X. Guan , G. Wang, and R. Guo , 2015:
Accelerated dryland expansion under climate change
Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/nclimate2837.
2. Huang J.*, Y. Xie, X. Guan, D. Li, F. Ji, 2016:
The dynamics of the warming hiatus over the Northern Hemisphere
Climate Dynamics, 1-18, doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3085-8.
3. Huang J.*, M. Ji, Y. Xie, S. Wang, Y. He, and J. Ran, 2015:
Global semi-arid climate change over last 60 years
Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2636-8.
4. Huang J., X. Guan, and F. Ji, 2012:
Enhanced cold-season warming in semi-arid regions
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 5391-5398, doi: 10.5194/acp-12-5391-2012.
5. Huang J., K. Higuchi, and A. Shabbar, 1998:
The Relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and El Nio-Southern Oscillation
Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 2707-2710, doi: 10.1029/98GL01936.