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白岩,男,博士,青年研究员,硕士生导师。2020年获北京师范大学自然资源专业博士学位。2018-2019年间作为联合培养博士赴University of California, Berkeley和Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory交流访学。主要从事气候变化与植被响应、碳水循环、生态水文及模型数据融合等领域研究工作,在Agricultural & Forest Meteorology,Geophysical Research Letters,Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences等期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇,同时担任Agricultural & Forest Meteorology,Biogeosciences, Earth Future等期刊审稿人。





2018.9-2019.9,联培博士,地球系统科学,University of California, Berkeley

2018.9-2019.9,联培博士,地球系统科学,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory







1. Yan Bai, Yanlan Liu, Lara M. Kueppers, Xue Feng, Kailiang Yu, Xiaofan Yang, Xiaoyan Li, Jianping Huang.The coupled effect of soil and atmospheric constraints on stress-responses of desert riparian species.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2021, 311: 108701

2. Yan Bai, Yanlan Liu, Lara M. Kueppers, Xue Feng, Thomas L. Powell, et al.Distinct hydraulic and stomatal regulations masked by convergent anisohydric behaviors in two desert riparian ecosystems.2021, under review.

3. Yan Bai, Xiaoyan Li, Sha Zhou, Xiaofan Yang, et al. Quantifying plant transpiration and canopyconductance using eddy flux data: An underlying water use efficiency method. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2019,271:375-384.

4.Yan Bai, Xiaoyan Li, Shaomin Liu, Pei Wang. Modelling diurnal and seasonal hysteresis phenomena of canopyconductance in an oasis forest ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2017,246:98-110.

5.Yan Bai, Gaofeng Zhu, YonghongSu, et al. Hysteresis loops between canopy conductance of grapevines and meteorological variables in an oasis ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2015, 214-215: 319-327.

6.  白岩;朱高峰;张琨;马婷,基于树干液流及涡动相关技术的葡萄冠层蒸腾及蒸散发特征研究,生态学报,2015,35(23):7821–7831.

7. 白岩;朱高峰;张琨;马婷,敦煌葡萄液流特征及耗水分析,中国沙漠,2015,35(1):175–181.

8. Mengjie Wang, Yunhao Chen, Xiuchen Wu, Yan Bai. Forest-Type-Dependent Water Use Efficiency Trends Across theNorthern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters,2018,45(16):8283-8293.

9. Xiuchen Wu, Xiaoyan Li, Yunhao Chen, Yan Bai, et al. Atmospheric Water Demand Dominates DailyVariations in Water Use Efficiency in Alpine Meadows, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau Xiuchen. Journal ofGeophysical Research: Biogeosciences,2019,124(7):2174-2185.

10. Cicheng Zhang, Xiaoyan Li, Yang Wang, Huawu Wu, Pei Wang, Wei Li, Yan Bai, Engui Li, Shuai Wang, ChiyuanMiao, Xiuchen Wu. Responses of two desert shrubs to simulated rainfall pulses in an arid environment, northwesternChina. Plant and soil,2019,435:239-255.

11. Yaqin Tong, Pei Wang, Xiaoyan Li, Lixin Wang, Xiuchen Wu, Fangzhong Shi, Yan Bai, Engui Li, Jiaqi Wang, YangWang. Seasonality of the Transpiration Fraction and Its Controls Across Typical Ecosystems Within the Heihe RiverBasin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2019,124(3):1277-1291.

12. Fangzhong Shi, Xiuchen Wu, Xiaoyan Li, Pei Wang, Xiaofan Yang, Yuanqiao Li, Xiaofei Jiang, Tingting Pei, Yan Bai,Bingyan Hao, Cicheng Zhang, Yaqin Tong. Seasonal Divergent Tree Growth Trends and Growth Variability alongDrought Gradient over Northeastern China. Forests2019,10(1):39.

13. Yang Wang, Xiaoyan Li, Cicheng Zhang, Xiuchen Wu, Enzai Du, Huawu Wu, Xiaofan Yang, Pei Wang, Yan Bai, YinanWu, Yongmei Huang. Responses of soil respiration to rainfall addition in a desert ecosystem: Linking physiologicalactivities and rainfall pattern.Science of the Total Environment,2019,650:3007-3016.

14. Xia Hu, Libin Jiang, Fangzhong Shi, Xiaoyan Li, Shulei Zhang, Yunduo Zhao, Yujun Ma, Zhou Gao, Yan Bai. Intensified Drought Enhances Coupling Between Vegetation Growth and Pregrowing Season Precipitation in the Drylands of the Silk Road Economic Belt. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2020, 126:1-13.


1. 兰州大学“双一流”引导专项,气候变化与植被响应(561120203),2020.07-2025.07,100万元,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,黑河流域典型生态系统植被水力传输过程模拟研究(42101023),2022.01-2024.12,30万元,在研,主持